Movie (again) at CCKI think I spent quite alot today on transport alone. First I met the boys at JP, but we found out that the pool place was closed down. So we head to JE entertainment centre, found that the whole building is under construction. Then we head to clementi, but its raining heavily and we gotta walk quite a distance to that pool place. So we went to cck Lot 1, again, no K-pool. So being frustrated, I suggested everyone to watch Twilight which I thought would be nice.
Umm, Its a love story btw a vampire and an ordinary girl... Heard khairun and Jia tian mentioned that movie before and they said the story is nice. However, I must say that I'm a bit dissapointed wif the movie. I expected more action stuff but the whole movie seems to focus more on the romance part. Its still alright for me as a girl, but I feel a bit guilty that I have wasted the 4 guys money to watch it. Haha, but luckily they said the movie was alright.
And yes talking about them, Its really been so long since I last went out wif them, think for about 1 yr le ba.. And I have more to talk about wif fergen compared to the others, most prob coz the rest r in army and all the stuff they talked is about NS which are foreign to me. And most prob I will be going out wif them to play pool the next coming week. haha...
And about Twilight, haha... though I dun think its that fascinating like what joce said, I agreed wif her that in overall, Twilight is much much better than Quarrantine, at least it won't make us dizzy.. Lol..